Browse by Journal

Number of items: 12.

Tanjung, Samsidar (2022) Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model with Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Approach. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10 (3). pp. 740-752. ISSN 2147-611X

Gultom, Syamsul (2022) Profile of Student Physical Fitness Level of Sports Science Study Program: Relationship between Nutrition Status and Learning Achievement during COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2147-611X

Mutiara, Erli and Emilia, Esi (2022) Developing Flipbook-based Teaching - Learning Material in the Culinary Arts Program of Unimed. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10 (3). pp. 650-662.

Mutiara, Erli and Emilia, Esi (2022) Developing Flipbook-based Teaching Learning Material in the Culinary Arts Program of Unimed. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10 (3). pp. 650-662. ISSN 2147-611X

Endriani, Dewi and Sitompul, Harun and Mursid, R and Dewi, Rahma (2022) Development of a Lower Passing Model for Volleyball Based Umbrella Learning Approach. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10 (3). pp. 681-694. ISSN 2147-611X

Supriadi, Amir and Mesnan and Akhmad, Imran and Dewi, Rahma and Suprayitno (2022) THE EFFECT OF LEARNING MANIPULATIVE SKILLS USING BALL THROWER LEARNING MEDIA ON THE ABILITY TO THROW AND CATCH THE BALL IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10 (03). pp. 590-603. ISSN 2147-611X

Faridah, Eva and Kasih, Indra and Nugroho, Sinung and Aji, Tri (2022) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF BLENDED LEARNING MODEL ON RHYTHMIC ACTIVITY COURSES BASED ON COMPLEMENTARY WORK PATTERNS. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10 (04). pp. 918-934. ISSN 2147-611X

Kasih, Indra and Faridah, Eva and Siregar, Samsuddin and Bangun, Sabaruddin Yunis and Sinulingga, Albadi (2022) EFFECTIVENESS OF SENSOR-BASED MEDIA TO IMPROVE REFEREE EDUCATION. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10 (02). pp. 391-408. ISSN 2147-611X

Akhmad, Imran and Suharjo and Hariadi and Dewi, Rahma and Supriadi, Amir (2022) THE EFFECTS OF LEARNING STRATEGIES ON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS' MOTIVATION AND LEARNING OUTCOMES OF OVERHEAD PASSING IN VOLLEYBALL. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10 (02). pp. 458-476. ISSN 2147-611X

Mursid, R (2022) The Effect of the Blended Project-based Learning Model and Creative Thinking Ability on Engineering Students' Learning Outcomes. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10 (1). pp. 218-235. ISSN 2147-611X

Daryanto, Eka and Siregar, Batumahadi and Januariyansah, Sapitri (2022) A Meta-Analysis of the ELearning Influence on Vocational Education and Training (VET): Preliminary Study of Virtual to Actualization. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10 (03). pp. 710-721. ISSN 2147-611X

Akhmad, Imran (2022) NUTRITIONAL PRACTICES AND BODY MASS INDEX AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 10 (03). pp. 618-631. ISSN 2147-611X

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